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Whether you are a seasoned practitioner, new to the field of acupuncture or an energy healer, this seminar will provide you the opportunity to immerse yourself in new dimension.


Attend lectures on topics ranging from Spiritual yoga theories, Chakra System, Nadis & Marma points, Kundalini Energy, Sensing Energy, Adjusting Energy, Eliminate Blockage, Shielding to protect and heighten the vibration with acupuncture using filiform needle, non-insertive Tei Shin needles and quartz crystal wand.


Watch, observe and learn the techniques of Ashtanga yoga and Celestial Acupuncture to apply into self empowerment and for your clients.


Bali has hundreds of fascinating sights to explore, scattered over several districts, each with their own atmosphere and ambience.

Enjoy the magnificent view and sorounded energy of Bali!.

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About Celestial Acupuncture: 

Celestial Acupuncture is an invention of Dr. Atsuki Maeda. Through his spiritual practice and experiences with acupuncture practice, he has created the path of how to bring the spirituality into the acupuncture practice. Celestial Acupuncture helps and supports client’s spiritual growth by working on the energetic and non-physical body of human being. Participants will learn how to scan and sense energy, enhance or constrict energy, eliminate blockage and attachment, realigning chakras. Seminar consists of didactic lecture and practical training. Usage of hand scanning technique to feel energy, pendulum to gage the energy movement, needling techniques using filiform and non-invasive contact needle, Tei Shin. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or new to the field of acupuncture, this program will provide you the opportunity to fully immerse in this very refined system of spiritual acupuncture which is rapidly gaining popularity in the world as patients and clinicians alike awaken to the allure of this subtle yet very potent method of spiritual awakening and healing. 

About Ashtanga Yoga:

Through various form of yoga, participants will learn the fundamental concepts of chakra system, energy system, nadis/marma point system and skills for developing kundalini energy as well as activating chakras for self-development and awakening, and also to apply the technique to help and guide your clients. Ashtanga Yoga has 8 limbs of yoga such as yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi, and concept of each will be covered and practiced.

About the Program:

This 7 days intensive acupuncture/yoga retreat will take you to the journey diving deep into self, understanding 8 limbs of yoga, chakra system, prana/energy system, nadis/marma point system, and acquire knowledge, skills and methods to work and develop yourself in order to be able to support the others, and how to use acupuncture to heal others by heighten one’s vibration, realigning all level of dan tians, major meridians, regulate and eliminate energetic/emotional blockage to open/activate chakra system using the combination of acupuncture points and marma points, cleanse nadis to help one advance in their soul journey. 


Situated in the renowned historic spiritual island of Bali steeped in temples and inordinate charm, this program is designed to greatly enrich and polish the senses while developing and refining the healer’s skills and technique of reading the non-physical body and working with subtle energy. You will learn a broad spectrum of healing approaches and come away with skills you can readily apply in your practice and achieve lasting clinical results. The learning format consists of lecture, observation and practical experience with teacher feedback. Expect to learn a lot and greatly broaden your perspective while laying a solid foundation for your future as a healer. 

As the navel of the earth, the qi travels through chakras of the gaia and crosses in Bali for the purpose of purification, this is the perfect place to be for energy work and partake in a very unique and rare learning opportunity.

With abundance of rich nature and land of god at the island of Bali, Indonesia where it is a navel of the earth, explore the beauty, align your chakras and replenish yourself and partake in a unique and exciting learning opportunity.


The Celestial Acupuncture & Ashtanga Yoga Certification Seminar Retreat is being held in the beautiful island of Bali, Indonesia in mid-May of 2024 Ubud area.

June 17th, 2024 - June 23rd, 2024

(Venue TBD)

The retreat is a 7-day scheduled program, which includes:

Arrival, Orientation Meeting and Welcome dinner.

6 days of didactic and practical learning with master level practitioners.

One day of exploration and guided sightseeing throughout the beautiful island of Bali.

42 CEU pending / 42 PDA pending.

Dr. Atsuki Maeda / California Provider #1153, NCCAOM Provider #1253 / Category 1

Seminar Fee and Deadlines for Registration

Early Bird Special:

Practitioner: $2,195 (US$)

Student: $2,095 (US$)

Application and $500 (US$) Deposit by December 15th, 2023

Deposit Refund Deadline: December 31st, 2023

Due Date for Remainder of Payment: January 15th, 2024

Refund Deadline: January 31st, 2024

Regular Registration:

Practitioner: $2,295 (US$)

Student: $2,195 (US$)

Application and $1,000 (US$) Deposit by January 15th, 2024

Deposit Refund Deadline: January 31st, 2024

Due Date for Remainder of Payment: February 15th, 2024

Refund Deadline: February 28th, 2024

​*Refunds will not be issued after the listed refund dates.

Cancellation after February 29th, 2024, will result in full responsibility for the program fee.
Cancellation or withdrawal after the program has started will result in the forfeiture of all fees.

*Cancellation of tour if minimum of 10 participants is not met by February 29th, 2024

For detailed information, please read the information packet below and to apply, please fallout below registration form, sign the retreat agreement and send.

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Atsuki is a licensed acupuncturist with 37+ years of clinical/teaching experience and a doctor of Oriental medicine, professor at master's and doctoral programs at academic institutions who has developed Celestial Acupuncture method to tap into non-physical plane (Energetic and Spiritual) with acupuncture using regular filiform as well as non-invasive contact needles called Tei Shin.


Madhuji is a monk and a certified yoga therapist. He has a unique spiritual and academic background to help you pragmatically understand the root cause of your problems and empowers you to deal with it directly. He blends common sense with real-world experiences to lift you to a higher level of self-understanding and self-learning.

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Highlights - Schedule

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Opening Ceremony & Orientation


Opening Ceremony will welcome you all and to officially kick start the wonderful and lively seminar retreat for our soul journey through a week long retreat for rejuvenating and replenishing ourselves.

Orientation meeting will be held to explain the logistics and learning purpose of the seminar.


The Grand Welcome Dinner & Daily Meal

We welcome and congratulate all participants for empowerment the self growth and willingness to serve others as a healer for their well-being. The welcome dinner starts our evening together with delicious handmade vegetarian dishes.

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Daily Lecture and Practice - Celestial Acupuncture

Learn the concepts, theories, techniques and methods of Celestial Acupuncture with filiform needles and

non-insertive needle, Tei Shin.


Daily Morning Meditation

​Daily morning meditation will set our theme in our mind the learning and experience of the day. Everyone's participation recommended.

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Daily Lecture and Practice - Ashtanga Yoga

Each day with difference topics to lean the spiritual aspect of Ashtanga yoga for the betterment of self which will raise vibration to the higher to be a better and supreme healer.


Optional Mid-Week Sightseeing of Bali Island


On the 4th day of the program, there is an optional guided sightseeing tour. We sill explore the villeges, museun, winery or hike into the nature and enjoy the magnificent view of the island. Or you can relax and have a free day on your own. 



Accommodation and venue will be determind

More Info.

Closing Ceremony and Group Picture


Closing ceremony will be held and congratulate all participants for completion of the seminar and certification. Group picture will follow.

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©2023 by Celestial Acupuncture & Ashtanga Yoga Certification Seminar Retreat

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